Journal of Economic Research and Policies- Journal’s policies
Journal’s policies

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Peer reviewing Policy:
The process of reviewing papers in the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policy is double anonymized peer review, in which the author’s name is anonymous to the reviewer and vice versa.
In order to align with the principles of the Financial and Economic Policy Quarterly journal, the submitted papers will be reviewed structurally and thematically by at least two expert peer reviewers (other than the editorial team) who are selected by the board based on expertise.
Reviewers’ responsibilities: they help the chief-editor of the journal in evaluation and final decision on accepting or rejecting the papers. Actually, they help the authors to promote the papers through editor and editorial board.

Dear reviewers, please:
Consider the paper file as a confidential file and avoid unauthorized use;
review of papers should be done accurately, objectively and without personal bias and providing clear and precise feedback;
If you do not have enough expertise in reviewing the papers, immediately announce your withdrawal;
Identify related and published works without citation and announce possible plagiarism or overlapping with other publications;
The journal emphasizes again on maintaining the confidentiality of information and ideas, avoiding personal gain, and also avoiding reviewing papers with conflicts of interest.
All review procedures are explained in the paper acceptance process section.

Publishing ethics
Financial and Economic Policy Quarterly is subject to the rules of Ethics in Publications (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

Digital preservation policies of papers
Archive of the journal website: The electronic content of the journal is archived in two ways:
1- The PDF version of all the papers is online and available to the readers on the journal's website. While a copy of the same content is kept on another server as a backup. In case of a crash on the journal’s website and loss of information, each of the papers will be available online on journal’s website from the backup server.
2- All issues published in the journal are also archived in this database, and in case of website crash, the papers will be available through this database:
Iranian Scientific Journals System (url:

Personal archive
All authors can archive their papers immediately after publication on the journal's website, in their personal system or on their institution's website.

Iran's scientific journals system, open access policy
Financial and economic policies journal with the concession of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance; Fully complies with the open access requirements of Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Copyright will be reserved for the authors and they can archive their papers. This means that these papers can be used easily; As long as it is properly cited.

Copyright laws
Under an open access license, authors retain copyright ownership of their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy their content, provided that the original authors and the source is correctly cited.
Topic URL in Journal of Economic Research and Policies website:
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