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:: Volume 31, Issue 106 (quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2023) ::
qjerp 2023, 31(106): 219-245 Back to browse issues page
Identifying and analyzing factors affecting the improvement of the banking system in granting facilities and effective return of claims
Mohammad Ehsan Keyvan , Mohammad Mobin Shafie Nategh , Mohammad Amin Rashidi * , Mahdi Sadeghi Shahdani
Master student in business administration, finance major, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran. , ma.rashidi@isu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (592 Views)
The banking system is one of the main pillars of Iran's economic system and serves as the primary source of financing for economic enterprises. Businesses that aren't able to repay their loans expose the banks to financial risk as non-payment results in claims classified as non-current. This failure to collect claims reduces the bank's capacity to provide facilities and disrupts its operations. The mechanism by which banks grant facilities has become one of the government's concerns and a principal challenge to the economic system. In this regard, a qualitative research study was conducted to identify and analyze factors that will improve the banking system's ability to provide facilities and collect claims effectively. The study involved 19 semi-structured interviews, library research, and thematic analysis to derive a network of themes. The results of the research demonstrate that factors related to governance, bank procedures and processes, and knowledge weakness within the banking system are the key elements that lead to an improved banking system concerning the provision of facilities and the effective collection of claims.
Keywords: Banking system, collection of claims, facilities, economic enterprise
Full-Text [PDF 857 kb]   (157 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Keyvan M E, Shafie Nategh M M, Rashidi M A, Sadeghi Shahdani M. Identifying and analyzing factors affecting the improvement of the banking system in granting facilities and effective return of claims. qjerp 2023; 31 (106) :219-245
URL: http://qjerp.ir/article-1-3383-en.html

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Volume 31, Issue 106 (quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2023) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه پژوهشها و سیاستهای اقتصادی Journal of Economic Research and Policies
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