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:: Volume 28, Issue 96 (Quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2021) ::
qjerp 2021, 28(96): 285-330 Back to browse issues page
Presenting the strategy of Iran-Iraq trade interactions based on importance-performance analysis
Hasan Kiaee , Mahdi Ghaemi , Mohammadhadi Hashemifarid *
, mh.hashemifarid@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3687 Views)
The development of trade with Islamic countries in the region, especially its neighbors, is important because it reduces the vulnerability of the countrychr('39')s economy by developing strategic ties and expanding cooperation with countries in the region and the world. Expanding relations with neighboring countries, helping regional development, increasing Iranchr('39')s competitiveness in the region, as well as developing trade with countries in the Southwest Asia region are among the priorities of development programs and the focus of trade sector activity. As a country in the region of Southwest Asia, Iraq can be one of the countrychr('39')s non-oil export markets. The main purpose of this article is to present the strategy of trade interactions between Iran and Iraq, based on identifying key key sectors of the Iranian economy. Therefore, based on the hypothetical elimination method and the apparent relative advantage index (RCA) according to the updated data-output tables of 2015, key sectors and Iranchr('39')s export advantage to Iraq are modeled. The obtained results of this modeling are summarized in the form of four areas of significance-performance analysis, so that the first area of ​​this analysis is at the highest level in terms of importance (key sector) and level of performance (export advantage); Therefore, the key parts of Iranchr('39')s advantage are the parts that should be located in this area. The modeling results show that seven sectors of Iranchr('39')s ninety six sector economy are the same key sectors with advantages, including: "manufacture of base iron and steel", "manufacture of leather and allied products", "manufacture of household appliances", "manufacture, repair and installation of other Unclassified artifacts elsewhere and recycled "," manufacturing of multi-purpose machinery "," manufacturing of wood and wood products and cork "," manufacturing of various food and beverage products ". In the first place, the policy strategy is that policymakers must maintain and continue their strategy towards these sectors, and in the next step, to balance the index and the importance of each of them in order to bring the most benefit. The policy strategy that should be adopted in the next step is to prioritize the fourth sector of this analysis because these sectors are considered as potentially advantageous key and will be realized by improving performance and increasing the countrychr('39')s interest.
Keywords: vKey Sectors, Comparative Advantage, importance -Performance Analysis, Business
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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kiaee H, ghaemi M, hashemifarid M. Presenting the strategy of Iran-Iraq trade interactions based on importance-performance analysis. qjerp 2021; 28 (96) :285-330
URL: http://qjerp.ir/article-1-2828-en.html

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Volume 28, Issue 96 (Quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2021) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه پژوهشها و سیاستهای اقتصادی Journal of Economic Research and Policies
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