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:: Volume 31, Issue 108 (quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2024) ::
qjerp 2024, 31(108): 67-89 Back to browse issues page
The effects of applying demand management scenarios on the production arrangement of power plants in the country: A partial constrained equilibrium optimization model
Davood Manzoor *
Imam Sadiq University , manzoor@isu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (529 Views)
Demand management is one of the important tools that it is necessary to use in the current conditions of the country's electricity industry. This requires research that aims to investigate the application of such policies and evaluate the results of using different methods of demand management. This research, using a constrained partial equilibrium optimization model for the country's electricity industry, seeks to investigate the effects of applying demand management policies on the country's power plant production arrangement, production costs, and finally shadow prices on the electricity supply side. Two scenarios introduced next to the reference scenario. In the reference scenario, demand management is not applied and its results used to compare the results of the other two scenarios. In the other two scenarios, one applies the peak-time policy, which means that 10% of the peak consumption been directly reduced, and in the second scenario, 10% of the consumption of peak hours transferred to non-peak hours. According to the obtained results, changes in demand during peak hours lead to changes in production arrangement and reduce the share of fossil power plants. In addition, production costs been reduced by shifting consumption to off-peak hours and finally, peak and off-peak prices are closer to each other with load shifting.
Keywords: Demand management, power industry, power plant, partial constrained equilibrium optimization
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
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Manzoor D. The effects of applying demand management scenarios on the production arrangement of power plants in the country: A partial constrained equilibrium optimization model. qjerp 2024; 31 (108) :67-89
URL: http://qjerp.ir/article-1-3390-en.html

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