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:: Volume 31, Issue 108 (quarterly journal of economic research and policies 2024) ::
qjerp 2024, 31(108): 251-279 Back to browse issues page
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Policy Interest Rate in Implementing the Inflation Targeting Framework in Iran
Hamid Zamanzadeh *
MBRI , zamanzadeh_n@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (743 Views)
One of the most important monetary policy targets is price stability. In the framework of inflation targeting, the central banks use the policy interest rate to implement their monetary policy, especially in the last decade. In the Iranian economy, there are various discussions about the effectiveness of the policy interest rate to guide the inflation rate, and it is argued that since the channels of the policy interest rate effect are incomplete in the Iranian economy, this tool isn’t efficient enough to guide the inflation rate. This study investigates the quantitative effect of the policy interest rate change on macro variables and evaluates the effectiveness of the policy interest rate tool in the implementation of inflation targeting, by a vector error correction model for Iran's macroeconomics. The results indicate that despite the shortcomings of the interest rate influencing channels on macroeconomic variables, the increase in the policy interest rate has strong anti-inflationary effects in such a way that an increase of 1 percentage point in the policy interest rate causes a 1.3 percentage point decrease in inflation after 24 months. Therefore, the results indicate that the policy interest rate in Iran's economy, despite the shortcomings of influence channels, is efficient enough to guide the inflation rate
Keywords: Policy interest rate, inflation, economic growth, liquidity and exchange rate
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
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Zamanzadeh H. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Policy Interest Rate in Implementing the Inflation Targeting Framework in Iran. qjerp 2024; 31 (108) :251-279
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