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:: Volume 23, Issue 75 (Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policies 2016) ::
qjerp 2016, 23(75): 7-44 Back to browse issues page
A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for an oil exporting and small open economy: the case of Iran
Davood Manzoor * , Anoshiravan Taghipour
, manzoor@isu.ac
Abstract:   (10746 Views)

In this paper we specify and estimate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for an oil exporting and small open economy in accordance with the structure of the Iranian economy. The paper aims to examine the effects and also the mechanism of monetary, fiscal, oil export revenues and foreign exchange shocks on real and nominal macroeconomic variables. Our simulation results show that about 40 percent of any monetary base growth leads to inflation. Fiscal policy stimulates aggregate demand and increases inflation as well. But, the intensity and the amount of influence of current and development budget is not the same, the effect of development budget depends on the length of delays in implementation of state projects. Most of the macroeconomic variables are affected as a result of an oil shock due to dependency of Iran's economy on petro dollars. Although most of the economic operation use official exchange rate, parallel exchange rate affects significantly on the real and nominal variables due to private sector expectations. The details and the exact amount of effects of each shocks is presented in the full text of the paper.

In this paper we specify and estimate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model for an oil exporting and small open economy in accordance with the structure of the Iranian economy. The paper aims to examine the effects and also the mechanism of monetary, fiscal, oil export revenues and foreign exchange shocks on real and nominal macroeconomic variables. Our simulation results show that about 40 percent of any monetary base growth leads to inflation. Fiscal policy stimulates aggregate demand and increases inflation as well. But, the intensity and the amount of influence of current and development budget is not the same, the effect of development budget depends on the length of delays in implementation of state projects. Most of the macroeconomic variables are affected as a result of an oil shock due to dependency of Iran's economy on petro dollars. Although most of the economic operation use official exchange rate, parallel exchange rate affects significantly on the real and nominal variables due to private sector expectations. The details and the exact amount of effects of each shocks is presented in the full text of the paper.

Keywords: business cycle, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium, oil shocks, government spending, monetary shock, currency shock
Full-Text [PDF 815 kb]   (6183 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
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Manzoor D, Taghipour A. A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for an oil exporting and small open economy: the case of Iran. qjerp 2016; 23 (75) :7-44
URL: http://qjerp.ir/article-1-1156-en.html

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Volume 23, Issue 75 (Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policies 2016) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه پژوهشها و سیاستهای اقتصادی Journal of Economic Research and Policies
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